
Share your own Mochimochi Land creations by tagging your Instagram posts with #mochimochiland!

Happy Valentine`s Day! Hope you`re spending the day with people you love, and/or doing something you love.💗

Knitted heart is a mochimochiworld pattern.
Magnetic 🐐 needle minder, available at the shop.

#feb14 #valentines #mochimochiland #knitheart #🐐 #💗

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موچی انبه 🥭🥹موچی به این کیوتی دیده بودین؟
یکی از بهترین ایتم های این دسر خوشمزه 😍
شما کدوم طعم موچی رو دوست دارین؟
زیر این پست برام بنویس کدوم طعمشو دوست داری😎
☎️برای ثبت سفارش دایرکت یا واتساپ در خدمتتون هستم
#موچی #موچی_ژاپنی #موچیشیراز #موچی_ایران #موچی_نوتلا #موچی_شکلات #دسرخاص #دسر #دسرخانگی #دسرشکلاتی #خوشمزه #دسرخوشمزه #دسرمدرن #موچی_کره_بادام_زمینی #موچی#کیک_سفارشی ##کیک #کیک🎂 #mochi #mochimochicat #mochi #mochimochiland #mochishiraz #shirazmochi #shirazi #shiraz #deser #

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All gift projects but I`m getting attached to seeing them everyday! #mochimochiland #roary #squidpocalypse #babycakes #hugeandhuggablemochimochi ...

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Der Reisezwerg bewundert den Sanddorn auf Langeoog
#metime #knittedgnome #knitting #knittinglove #strickenmachtglücklich #stricken #sanddorn #sanddornbeeren #Langeoog #ostfriesischeinseln #nordseeküste #nordseeliebe #nordseeurlaub #northseacoast #mochimochiland #mochimochiworld

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A tiny peanut to go with #mochimochiland pattern of an amazing tiny elephant. ...

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🩷🤍 Mochimochi Land is a whimsical and imaginative world brought to life by artist Anna Hrachovec. With passion for knitting and a unique vision, Anna has transformed simple yarn and needles into a universe teeming with adorable, miniature creatures and scenes. In Mochimochi Land, you`ll find an enchanting array of tiny knitted beings, from smiling vegetables and anthropomorphic animals to inanimate objects that exude personality. Anna has authored several books as guides for crafters looking to replicate her charming designs.

mochimochiworld (Chicago, Illinois, US)


#folkart #handmadeart
#catstreetart #catlove
#handmade #knitting
#textileart #catart

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knittymag mochimochiworld she’s so cute. On a side note, I re-confirmed my dislike to knit anything less than size 5/6 needles. Made for a doctor friend.
#knit #womb #fuminwomb #knitty #mochimochiland #yarn

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My fellow KnitStar mochimochiworld has a new book coming out soon. 🗣️ you can pre order with the link in her bio! If you have littles in your life, this is a book of prepositions. The adorable cats are used to demonstrate. What a cute way to learn. If you don’t have littles can you tag someone who does please?

I was so very honored that she used my madelinetosh color way GG loves Speckles for one of her cats 🥰🫶🏾

If you are interested in learning from Anna, she is a Season 7 Star and you can grab her masterclass now. My link is in bio. #catsideupcatsidedown #mochimochiland

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#hugeandhuggablemochimochi pals! #mochimochiland #sitandknitforabit #roary #squidpocalypse ...

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Tekan tombol LOVE ❤️ nya dulu ya kak...
FOLLOW kami yaa.. ResepBikinCemilan ❤️ untuk mendapatkan Update Terbaru Resep Bikin Cemilan setiap hari... 😁👍

Butuh Rok Kerja, Legging, Kemben, Tank Top, Manset, Kemeja Wanita? Klik di sini ya kak : CutieOnlineShopOfficial


Cuma 6 bahan, no mixer no oven!
Gampang bangettt🍉

Bahan dan Cara Bikinnya ada di Video ya kak... 🙏

Selamat mencoba... SEMANGAT YAA... 😁👍
Kunjungi Toko Online kami juga ya kak : CutieOnlineShopOfficial
Cr : just.foods18

#mochi mochimochi
#reelinstagram #reelsinstagram
#videoviral #viralvideo
#instagramreel #instagramreels
#reels #viralvideos

#fyppage #fypge
#bisniskuliner #resepmama
#fyp #fypinstagram
#viralreels #reelsviral
#viralreel #reelviral

#resepfavorit #idekuliner
#mochienak #masakanpedas
#resepbikincemilan #mochimochiland
#mochimochipanda #resepmasakannusantara
#mochimochio #kumpulanresepmasakan

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Pattern is Tiny Ghost by #mochimochiland Yarn is Cascade 220 Fingering in white, and Cascade Heritage Sock in black. Needles are 1. #knittersofinstagram #knitting ...

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Mochimochi Monday, Labor Day edition: Tiny Alpaca, made from real alpaca yarn. #mochimochiland ...

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