Category: Crafted Things

Twisted: A Balloonamentary

A friend made a documentary a while ago about people who competitively twist balloons into animal (and other) shapes. Can you think of a better subject for a documentary? I almost can’t. It’s called Twisted: A Balloonamentary, and it’s being screened in New York this week!


There two more screenings, today (6/25) and tomorrow (6/26), at the Pioneer Theater. I’m planning to go on Thursday.

More screenings are planned or ongoing in Ann Arbor, Iowa City, and Portland —check out the “Screenings” section on the film’s website. Or you can get the DVD from Amazon!

John saw Twisted a while ago at a private screening, and he reviewed it recently on Geek Out New York.

Paper Earrings

My jewelry-designer friend Audrey recently made the most beautiful pair of earrings out of handmade Japanese paper and sterling silver.



I love how they look so incredibly light—the use of the paper is just inspired. (Now if only I wore earrings…)

The earrings are part of her collection, which can be found in her Etsy shop. (I also blogged about her shop when she opened it last year.) Audrey specializes in mixing industrial and natural materials with traditional elements of fine jewelry. The result is beautiful designs that balance strength and delicacy.


I think her jewelry would make an awesome Mother’s Day gift for a hip kind of mom!

Goodies from Kristen Rask

For those of you who kindly left comments on the interview I did with Kristen Rask of Plush You, we’ll be determining the winner of the Mochimochi Land gift certificate soon! Kristen has been traveling, and has been without much internet access, so as soon as things settle down for her we’ll be contacting the winner.

Kristen is actually in New York right now, and I had the privilege of sitting down with her on Monday for a cup of coffee and a chat about her Seattle store Schmancy and their huge annual plush show, among other things. It was so much fun! I had met Kristen only briefly before, so it was great to get to know her better. She’s even busier than I had thought, organizing all the shows and events that take place at Schmancy, in addition to running the store itself, and she’s working on a couple of books at the same time. And look—she brought me a present!


This sweet little bag is a Schmancy original, made by Kristen herself. I don’t know how she squeezes in time to do her own crafts, but I feel lucky to benefit from her industriousness! The little bag is perfect for holding knitting notions, so I’ll be using it a lot. And the cute little cloudy thing is a pin! I really need to brighten up my workspace, so I think I’ll find a way to use it for decorating.

Thank you Kristen!!

Update: I just realized that the magnets in my laptop are perfect for hanging Little Cloudy. Yay!


Male Stripper Fabric

My mother-in-law Bonney was eager to share her latest fabric find with me when I arrived in New Hampshire for the weekend:


Oh my. Was all I had to say. I asked her if she had plans for her half-naked cowboys, firemen, policemen, construction workers, and delivery boys—fortunately, no plans in particular.

I’m supposing that the primary purpose of these prints is to sit in a closet and occasionally be brought out for laughs, but maybe I’m just not thinking creatively enough. For the curious, Bonney got them from

Making Monsters with Jenny Harada

I spent last Saturday afternoon at a plush workshop taught by the famous Jenny Harada!

The workshop was held at Etsy Labs in Brooklyn, where Jenny took us through the basics of sketching pattern pieces and putting them together with a sewing machine. My hands were too busy to take any photos during the class, but Jenny let me take a quick photo of her with her mound of plushes afterwards.


Aside from making my own plush toy, I had a lot of fun looking through Jenny’s crazy creations and picking her brain about her design process. It’s funny how there are some similarities with making knitted toys, but sewing is still a little foreign to me. I think I’m gradually getting more comfortable with it, though.

So here is the monster I made! His name is Herman.


Herman’s shape is something I’ve had in mind for a while—I sketched out his body freehand, and I used Jenny’s patterns for his legs and horns. Don’t you love his purply furriness? The fur is great because it conceals less-than-skilled sewing.

Herman’s a lot of trouble, though. As soon as I brought him home, he started trying to eat everything in sight!

He tried to eat John’s stuffed elephant…


Then he went for the Woodins (log and all!)…


Even John wasn’t spared!


So we’ve got our hands full with our new friend. Maybe sometime soon I’ll try sewing something completely on my own!