Category: Cute Things

Betty the Bunny

This bunny thinks it’s bipedal!


Tara sent over this photo of her daughter’s cute bunny Betty. It sounds like Betty has a great personality (she’s buds with their pet chihuahua mix), and I love her speckles and eye patch too.

Bunny Bank

This bunny will save your money!


My awesome sister-in-law knows just what I like, and she gave me this bunny bank for Christmas last year! He doesn’t have any money yet, but he sure looks cute on my shelf. You can get your own here.

It’s Bunny Week in Mochimochi Land! You get a free Dust Bunnies PDF pattern with any purchase of $5 or more from the Mochimochi Shop through April 3rd. (A link to download the pattern will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase.)

Cute Yarny Bunnies

I’ve been hearing from some designers of crafty bunnies this week, which is great! Here are three worth our admiration.

This bunny has a wonderfully minimalist fashion sense.


Barbara Prime of Fuzzy Mitten designs the sweetest knitted animals. The above cutie, named Noisette, was made from her Scraps Chaps pattern. (Check out Barbara’s full Flickr page for more beautiful photos of her beautiful toys.)

This bunny is cute in an “I’m gonna stomp on your city” kind of way.


Keri crocheted it as part of her ongoing series of Godzillas. There are a couple (non-bunny) Godzillas available in her Yarnmageddon Etsy shop right now. Awesome!

And here is a bunny that could maybe stand to eat a carrot or two!


Chrissy of CraftyCripple modified her Skinny Kitty pattern to make this trim bunny. It was a Christmas gift for a friend’s little girl last year, she says. I bet it is getting lots of love.

Thank you to Barbara, Keri, and Chrissy for multiplying the bunnies!

Little Brown Bunny

It’s Bunny Week in Mochimochi Land! You get a free Dust Bunnies PDF pattern with any purchase of $5 or more from the Mochimochi Shop through April 3rd. (A link to download the pattern will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase.)

This bunny knows that brown is the new white among rabbit trendsetters.


Made by The Cupcake Girls, Chocolate Bunny Friend is a great human-bunny hybrid. You can get him from their Etsy shop.

Bunny Facts: Amami Rabbit

The Amami rabbit is a small-eared endangered bunny.


Living on the Amami islands in Southern Japan, the Amami rabbit is an ancient species of rabbit that has been endangered because since the 1990s because of deforestation and the introduction of the mongoose, which was brought to the area in the late 1970s to control the population of a poisonous snake.

Japan is making some efforts to save the Amami rabbit, including making it a priority of the Invasive lient Species Act.

You can read a bit more about the Amami rabbit on Wikipedia and on Detour Japan, where I got the above info and image.

Yarn-Inspecting Bunnies

These bunnies know a thing or two about cables.


Maureen sent over this adorable photo of James and Sara, saying that it’s a good thing their cuteness outweighs their “yarn-chewing nature.” I didn’t know bunnies had an interest in yarn, but maybe they have that in common with cats?