Category: Blog

Tiny Ms. Claus Ravelry update

UPDATE: Ravelry listings have been fixed (thank you, Editors!), and all who requested her should now have the Ms. Claus pattern in their libraries. Thank you for your patience!

A little update on Tiny Ms. Claus, for those of you who requested her on Ravelry:

The pattern wasn’t showing up when I tried it add it to my shop on the backend (so that it could be purchased on Ravelry and also gifted to those who requested it), so I created a duplicate pattern listing, which did allow me to list it in the shop. I’ve submitted a request that the two pattern listings be merged, so that the knitter photos from the original listing will be connected. I’m not confident that this won’t mess with the uploaded pattern, though, so I’m waiting for that merge to happen before I send it out via Ravelry.

Anyone who has insight on this merge process, I’d love your input on the situation! Thank you all for your patience!

Free Pattern: Tiny Pussy Hat


Granny’s going to a march this weekend! Here’s a simple pattern for you to knit as a good luck charm for you or for someone you’re supporting:

Cast on 20 sts, distribute onto 3 DPNs.
Work one round in [K1, p1] rib.
Knit 4 rnds.
Next rnd: [Kfb] twice, k6, [kfb] 4 times, k6, [kfb] twice (28 sts).
Divide the sts onto 2 DPNs, and bind off with kitchener stitch.

The hat should fit tiny mochis like the granny, Knit Kit and Purl Girl, and more!

This hat was inspired, of course, by the #pussyhatproject.

Crocheted Abode a la Mode Giveaway Winner

Thank you for sharing your mouth-watering creations, everyone! We got 55 comments on the post with Twinkie Chan’s interview. And our randomly-selected winner of Twinkie Chan’s new book, Crocheted Abode à la Mode, is…

Commenter number 55, Barbara!

I sewed a huge donut in the 8th grade. It was a giant pillow for my bedroom and it took bags and bags and bags of stuffing.

I love that this giant donut maker is our winner! I have a feeling that the book will not be wasted on Barbara.


Thank you to Twinkie Chan and to her publisher, Creative Publishing International, for making the giveaway possible. Now everyone who isn’t Barabara, go buy Crocheted Abode à la Mode!

Get $2 Off Tiny Hatchlings Pattern through 3/28

Update: I’m extending this discount to run through the end of March. Happy springtime knitting!

Hi everyone! It’s me, back from maternity leave! The past three months have been a wonderful whirlwind in Baby Land, but it’s exciting to be back into Mochimochi Land. I have so much to update and so much to catch up on!

But for now I wanted to quickly share a discount just in time for easter: Get $2 off the Tiny Hatchlings pattern with the code HATCH at checkout in the Mochimochi Shop.


Tiny Hatchlings are quick little knits perfect for last-minute making and nestling into an Easter basket.


Not that candy isn’t dandy, but it’s nice to have a little something handmade in the mix, right?

If you’re looking for more Easter and springtime patterns, here’s a handy list:

Tiny Baby Bunnies (free)
Dust Bunnies (easy and quick)
Which Came First (interactive)
Ninjabun (interactive)
Harriet and Hayden (sheep-y)

9th Annual Photo Contest: The Big Vote!

Update: Thank you for all the votes—we got more than 700 of them! Stay tuned for the results soon.

Voting week has arrived! After much deliberation, John and I have selected 12 finalists from the hundreds of photos entered in the 9th Annual Mochimochi Photo Contest.

Presenting your top 12 photos!


Which of these, in your opinion, are the cutest, funniest, most original photos of Mochimochi toys? Cast your ballot below! To help make things fair, we’re asking that everyone please vote only one time, but PLEASE VOTE FOR AT LEAST TWO PHOTOS. You can vote for even more—as many as you like!

The poll will be open through this weekend, and we’ll announce the top three winners, along with the top video winner (selected by us), soon thereafter. Update: If you’re having trouble with the poll on your phone or tablet, try the mobile-friendly version!


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