Category: Exhibitions

One Week to Go

Today marks one week before my show opens! At this point, I can’t really say how the preparation is coming, except to say that I’ve just spent several months doing almost nothing but knitting for it, and if you gave me until the end of the year, I could easily keep finding things to knit for it.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been concentrating on the tiny stuff. This pile represents an embarrassing number of hours, and about one-fifth of the total number of tiny things to go in my installation.


Let me tell you, I am in awe of my Crystal Palace size 1 double-pointed needles. Those skinny sticks of bamboo have taken much abuse and are still going strong. And so, thank heavens, are my fingers!

The setup will start on Monday, but I’m expecting to be knitting up until the day of the opening (October 7th). I’ll be blogging the setup next week, so stay tuned for last-minute fiber drama!

Unicorns, Rats, and Hunka Hunka Burnin’ God

I took a break from knitting and assembling the other day to take photos of some of the elements in my upcoming show. Here’s a peek at what’s to come!




The opening is now just two weeks away, which means that my perspective on it is constantly shifting from excited to panicked. I guess that probably means I’m right on track! (Or maybe it doesn’t, and I should just be panicking…)

Knitting with Gloves on

Knitting fatigue is starting to set in just a bit, a month and a half into my show preparation as a full-time pursuit. Fortunately I’ve avoided any more pinkie numbness, but now my fingers are just feeling a bit fat and slow, as if I’m wearing gloves while trying to knit. Which is perfect, because now that I have all the large pieces for the installation finished, I’m tackling a very long list of pieces that range from small to smaller.

For example, the city that used to live on my desk has shrunk!


I wish I could have just applied a magical shrink ray to the buildings, but instead these guys took me the better part of a day to make.

And tiny ears of corn play a crucial part in the world I’m creating, so I just spent two days knitting a cornfield.


I’m not complaining about the time I’m putting into knitting all these tiny details—I just want to document the insanity. And it’s the small details that will make the whole thing fun to look at, so I’m excited to be working on the humorous bits and pieces right now. I am both dreading the fast approach of October 7th and also feeling like it can’t come soon enough!

Opening October 7: Greetings from Mochimochi

Update! The gallery will be open 2-4 pm on Saturday, October 30th for a tea party and trunk show!

Here it is, the official info for my show this October in NYC!


Greetings from Mochimochi

a weird world of fun and chaos hand-knitted by Anna Hrachovec

October 7 – 29, 2010
Opening reception: Thursday, October 7, 7-9 p.m. – RSVP

gallery hanahou
611 Broadway, Suite 730, NYC

In her first solo show, craft artist Anna Hrachovec stretches the possibilities of knitting as a medium to create an expansive and wacky landscape installation. Crash-landed aliens, rat-infested skyscrapers, giant ants, and everything else that comprises the 8-foot installation is entirely hand-knitted by the artist, who used 200 balls of yarn and more than a million stitches to make it all come to life. And just for fun, the piece includes a working model train – converted into a silly knitted monster, of course!

Some of the elements in the piece are based on designs in Anna’s 2010 book of knitted toy patterns, Knitting Mochimochi.


If you are in the NY area, please join me for the opening on October 7th!

Yarns provided by Cascade

DIY Deity

I haven’t yet shown who will be inhabiting the world that I’m creating for my upcoming show at gallery hanahou. Among other creatures, I thought this world needed at least one god.


In this case, the god is modeled after the populace, and not the other way around. Only 20 percent of these little gray guys will believe in the god, and the god will return the favor by being only 20 percent benevolent.

I just finished making his limbs, and I’m in the middle of knitting a big cloud for him to sit on. Next he will get an elvis-style pompadour hairdo.

How to Knit a Rainbow in Six Steps and 96 Hours

I recently finished up one of the trickier pieces for my upcoming show, and thought it would be fun to show a little step-by-step post about how I knitted this big guy.


(This isn’t a pattern, though—as you’ll see, I just figured it out as I went, and didn’t worry too much about counting rows, etc.)

Step 1: Carve an arch shape out of a block of foam.


Step 2: Measure how big around the arch is, decide how many stripes you want in your rainbow, calculate how wide each stripe should be, and knit a few samples to check.


Step 3: The bend in this rainbow isn’t rainbow-y enough, so let’s see if stretching it out will have any lasting effect on the foam. (It does!)


Step 4: Continue to knit some stripes until they are long enough to cover the length of the rainbow. (This knitting part takes forever, so you probably want to have a few movie rentals on hand.) Pin them in place.


Step 5: Get out your tapestry needle, and let mattress stitch do its magic on the first couple of seams at the top. When you get to the more bend-y stripes at the side of the rainbow, think really hard, and decide that you need to make wider seaming stitches on the upper stripe and shorter stitches on the lower stripe in order to make them bend properly and conform to the foam shape.


Step 6: Finish knitting, knitting, and knitting the rest of the stripes. (Have I ever mentioned that Radiolab is a great podcast to knit to?). Then, hold your breath as you sew up that last seam…


…and it actually worked! It’s a knitted rainbow, without funny scrunchy bumps!


It was the hugest relief to know that I didn’t just waste four days of nonstop knitting making this guy. Now it’s onto knitting a herd of mini unicorns to slide down the rainbow. Also remaining are a river, a cloud, a possible cornfield, and tons more. Just about a month left to do it all!

A New Subdivision

The real estate market is booming on the floor of my apartment.


As you might have guessed, this is part of my upcoming show! I thought a little pastel suburbia would be just the thing to be enemies with the city on the other side of the tracks. I’ll probably add some mischief involving chimneys later—the tiny jailbird is standing in for a potential masked burglar.

I had a minor crisis last week over whether sidewalks and driveways should be gray or white. With some help from Twitter people (yes, I’m into Twitter these days in a minor way), I finally settled on white with gray cracks. (It should look much more tidy with everything sewn down, of course!)