Category: Knitted Things

Tiny Witch is a Spelling Champ

Happy Belated Halloween!

Thanks, everyone, for your patience with the website difficulties and the delay in results of the Tiny Witch caption contest. There were so many great entries that we have to go with THREE winners this time, each of whom came up with a very clever spell for our witch.


From Fran:

Dpn, dpn purl and knit,
use scrap yarn, and a dash of wit!
(Tiny Witch’s spell for creating more tiny mochimochi!)

From Mireya:

skeins and spooks ,
needles and hooks,
wake to your delight,
condure and cast
purl and twirl ,
allow my needled knit with all their might!!

And from Glenys:

Spicky spacky, I see you,
Wonky wobbly, what would you do.
Trick or threat, stick or stones,
Potion I’ve made or maybe bones.
But first for breakfast, yup?
How bout eggs sunny side up?

I do believe that Tiny Witch is well equipped to charm her way around Mochimochi Land with these spells.

Since we have three winners, all three will get the Tiny Zombie Kit! Although Halloween is over for this year, we all know that Tiny Zombies are always in style.


Tiny Mushrooms Shouldn’t Quit their Day Job

This weekend Tiny Mushrooms told Tiny Gnome that they had a song to sing for him!


We are edible,
and unforgettable,
though some are atrocious,
and very ferocious.
So pick us the plucky quad,
who are ripe, right from sod!

Translated from the shrooomese by Michelle! For her cute caption, she wins the Tiny Things Collection 3 patterns!

After the song was finished, Tiny Gnome only said that they were way out of tune. How rude!

Tiny Sushi has a Black Belt in Puns

Loved the caption contest entries this weekend! It was hard to choose a favorite, but I found this one irresistible…


Tiny Sushi to Tiny Edamame: Wasabi?
Tiny Edemame: Nato much, you?

That cute double-pun caption is from Bonnie!

I seriously considered knitting up some Tiny Edamame this morning just for this post, but that seemed a little crazy. However, I am thinking it would be awesome to do a collection of sushi bar tiny mochis, as some of you suggested, so edamame is next on my list for that!

For her caption, Bonnie gets the pattern for Flapjack Frogs!


And here are some other pun-tastic entries:

Has anyone seen my umami?
by Carrie

“Why don’t ya come up and sashimi some time?”
by twinsetjan

“Shrimply adorable.”
by Jennifer

Give School a Hug

Kristen Rask just sent me photos of my window display at her store!


Schmancy is a super-fun vinyl and plush toy store in downtown Seattle, and I was thrilled when Kristen asked me if I would make something for their window.

As I mentioned previously, I used the Petite Pencil pattern from Knitting Mochimochi in bulky yarn to make the pencils, and I love how they came out so huggable. The piece of paper was a bit of a challenge to design, and the hardest thing was coming up with what the paper would say. I got to thinking about how schools and teachers are dealing with increasingly tighter budgets and demands to do more with less, so I figured school could use a hug!


If you’re in Seattle, I hope you’ll swing by Schmancy in the next few weeks and see it in person.

A big thank-you to Kristen for inviting me to do this and for rigging up the display!

Jumbo Petite Pencil

This time of summer makes me a little nostalgic for the start of the school year. It was always such a thrilling mix of dread and excitement and new school supplies. With that in mind, I recently thought to see just how big I could get Petite Pencil (one of the mini designs from my 2010 book Knitting Mochimochi) to be using really thick yarn.


Pretty big, right? Don’t ask why he’s trying to write on my laptop—I guess he’s not that sharp…

I used a combination of Hometown USA and Wool-Ease Thick & Quick yarns by Lion Brand. After so much tiny knitting, it’s really fun to pick up some size 10-1/2 needles and make something hefty in an hour or so. The pattern is the same as the itty-bitty guy in the book, except I added a couple more rows to the yellow part of the pencil.

I just shipped off my Jumbo No. 2 along with a few other guys to Schmancy in Seattle, where they will be a window display for next month. I’ll share pics of that when I have them!

Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi Preview: Tiny Monkeys

How fun is Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi? More fun than this!


Tiny Monkeys are one of seven Tiny Animal patterns in the book. I made these guys using a few different shades of Knit Picks Palette yarn. Would you believe that with just one skein, you can knit 40 Tiny Monkeys? It’s true! Perfect party favors for your next jungle-themed birthday celebration.

You can pre-order Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Then on August 16th, you’ll be able to find it in many local yarn stores, and signed copies will be available in the Mochimochi Shop!