Category: Cute Things

Suddenly Rainbow Gnomes

Sometimes my morning goes in a completely different direction from what I had planned. Today I was expecting a couple quiet hours of prototype knitting, but instead I started looking at some photos from last year, and then somehow I ended up with this screen in front of me.


So now I’m working on new buttons with colorful rainbow gnomes! You can expect to see them in the shop soon. (For now, you can get a variety pack of tiny mochi buttons.)

Free Luvbots Valentines Download

As robot experts can tell you, Luvbots are programmed for two things: falling in love and generating puns. So if you’re looking for an especially silly way to spread the love and make people smile this week, we have you covered with a sheet of FREE Luvbots valentines!


Just download the PDF, print (preferably on cover stock or card stock), cut along the dotted lines, and give to your favorite humanoids!

You know what would go great with these valentines? A hand-knitted Luvbot made by you! Or a shiny new screwdriver set. (Hm, speaking of puns…)

Hello Kitty Re-Ment Winners

I guess no one can resist miniature Hello Kitty-themed groceries, because we got 219 comments on Friday’s giveaway post! (You all made me seriously hungry with your descriptions of favorite things from the grocery store.)

Because there were so many funny and enthusiastic comments, I’ve decided to give away TWO blind boxes instead of just one!

And just so we can all further enjoy the cuteness contained in these boxes, I’m opening another one right now…




Gah, the cuteness is almost too much.

OK, now for the randomly selected winners…

Comment #155, by Myha:

My favorite thing at the grocery store is probably the bulk candy section… hehehe. I have a wee bit of a sweet tooth!

And comment #125, by Stephanie:

My favorite thing in a grocery store would have to be the bakery, specifically the cake section.. teehee! 8)

Congratulations to our winners! I’ll be in touch via email to get your addresses.

Thanks again to everyone who shared their supermarket cravings!

Hello Kitty Re-Ment Giveaway!

Update: The winners have been randomly selected!

I just got the cutest gift in the mail from a special person in Japan. It’s so cute, in fact, that I don’t have words. So I will show a sequence of photos instead.






If you’re not in love, you have no soul. I mean, itty-bitty nutritional information!

Now, this is just too awesome not to share, so I’m going to give away one of these boxes to a commenter. Leave a comment to this post telling us about your favorite thing to get at the grocery store. (Just one comment per person please.) I’ll randomly select a winner on Monday!

Infinite Hugs

Look what I learned to make in Photoshop: endless hugging gnomes!


Here’s the repeated motif up close.


I had the idea to make repeated patterns a couple years back, when I got the book Digital Textile Design.


I never quite had the motivation to tackle this project, though, thinking that I had to make illustrations first. It was only at the suggestion of the clever people at my art agency, CWC-i, that I recently picked up the book again and started making patterns using photos of my characters. And now I can’t stop! (It’s pretty simple if you have Photoshop.)

Any thoughts on what the hugging gnomes should be printed on? I’m thinking little bags and notebooks. Maybe even scarves or a skirt!

Twiggins Get Cozy

Update: The Rainbow Twiggins have been sold and are no longer available.

Some mysterious new creatures recently took up residence in our apartment…


It’s the Berry Twiggins that I made for gallery hanahou’s most recent “Luv-able & Hug-able” plush show!


I wasn’t loving the idea of shoving of them under the bed when I got them back from the gallery, but I also wasn’t ready for the commitment of nails in the wall. So it was lucky that I noticed a little spot where they could fit right in!

I’m holding onto these guys, but the other two Twiggins pieces are still available:

Rainbow Twiggins are the noisiest variety of this new species, constantly singing their off-key folk tunes.


And Citrus Twiggins are mischievous little thieves who have never worked a day in their lives.


The Rainbow Twiggins piece is available for $95, and the Citrus Twiggins piece is $65.

Email me if you’re interested in either of these!