Category: Awesome Things

Behind the Scenes of a Tiny Yeti Party

I thought it would be fun to show my setup for shooting the still images for the Yeti Party GIF.


(Please ignore the horrendous mess. It gets a little cramped working and sleeping in the same room…)

I normally do my pattern photography using a little tent and these super bright lights, but because I had to get my hands into the scene and move lots of stuff around, I skipped the tent and pointed all the lights away so there wouldn’t be too many shadows.

I also had to find a way to suspend the little mirror ball without using something overhead that would block the light, so I just pulled out the top drawer of my yarn storage and hung it down from that.

Here’s a look at a still photo before I cloned out the wires in Photoshop.


I wanted some of the yetis to make smooth dancing moves, so I inserted pieces of thin wire through the front yeti’s arms and legs, and one through the arms of the yellow-horned yeti, to make their appendages malleable. (You can see a tiny bit of the wire sticking out from the yellow one’s left hand.) The head-spinning yeti and the two dancing guys are stuck to the styrofoam base using straight pins through their backs where they wouldn’t be visible.

I used Photoshop to make the GIF itself, but there are several free GIF makers out there, which you can find with a web search. But if there are enough people interested in how I made it with Photoshop, I’d be happy to share that sometime!

New Year, New Niece

Look who I got to meet over the holidays!


This little Christmas baby is my brand-new niece Nora. (That’s her mom, my sister, holding her.) She was just three weeks old when I met her and held her for the first time! Weighing just seven pounds, she is quite a bit lighter than my cats. Having little experience with babies and lots of experience with cats, I was making constant baby-cat comparisons throughout the visit. (They’re pretty much nothing alike.)

My Christmas present to Nora was supposed to be a mobile to go over her crib. Unfortunately I got caught up in the logistics of the thing, so the hanging part still has to be finished, but here’s what the animals look like.


Since the baby can’t grab onto things yet, and she can’t even see so well, I didn’t get a photo of her with them. But I’ve been told that my sister’s cat expressed interest in the wool toys. Score one for cat!

Needless to say, I’m thrilled to have a niece. She was an awesome way to start the year!

2011 Favorites

Let’s look back on the best stuff that’s happened in Mochimochi Land this year! (Click on the images to read the original posts.)

**Favorite New Patterns**



Flapjack Frogs


**Favorite Mochimochi Mods**

TheBon’s Santa Smurf


Green Eyed Monster’s Rainycloud Mobile


**Favorite Tiny Mochis**

Tiny Ebi Sushi


Tiny Sewing Machine


Tiny Skunk


**Favorite Tiny Captions**

I am 16mm going on 17 mm…
by Karen


Tiny dyslexic lemon isn’t afraid of being squeezed, but don’t show him the melon baller!
by Michelle


**Favorite Extra-Weird Projects**

Cupcake Planet




**Favorite Cat Photos**

Nipsey has a Drawer-venture


Soupy is a Lolcat


**Favorite Non-Cat Animal Photo**

Monorail Squirrel


**Favorite Random Cute Things**

Mini Rubber Cat


Yeti Sighting


And that is the year in Mochimochi Favorites! It’s been an amazing year full of crazy cute Mochi madness. Please add your own favorites in the comments!

Mochimochi Land in 3D

You know those old-school 3D glasses, the paper kind with the red and blue lenses? Like these:


Maybe you have a pair in the bottom of a drawer somewhere? Go get them right now so you can enjoy the rest of this post!


A very cool person named Jess Mireau took these photos at my 2010 show Greetings from Mochimochi. How awesome is this?!



I didn’t even know that they made 3D cameras like this, but Jess tells me that she used one called the Fujifilm W3, on loan from her friend Cory, who has an entire blog dedicated to 3D photos. Jess is an animator herself—you can see her amazing work at

Floating Cartoon Souls

John surprised me this weekend with a new look in our living room!


These awesome paintings are by Ryan Quincy—I first saw them in Berlin in April, and just had to have one (as I blogged a while back). John was sweet enough to get me two of them for my birthday in July, and it just took a little time to get them up in their rightful place.

Here are some close ups, though I have to say they are even cooler in person!



Simons Family Photo Crew

This week and next I’m in my hometown of Owasso, Oklahoma, to work with my book photographer, Brandi Simons. These have been some of my favorite times in the past couple of years—Brandi is such a joy to work with, and her photos are amazing. Remember this one?


Brandi completely “gets” what I do with knitting, and she knows how to bring my toys to life with hilarious and beautifully shot scenes. She also shot the photos for Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi (coming out in less than a month!), and as you may have guessed, working with her again this summer means that you can expect another book in the future!


Often Brandi will get her whole family involved in our shoots. Her husband Mike Simons is also a professional photographer, and her daughters Sonnie and Sarah are excellent models and assistants.

I so wish I could share the amazing images that are coming from our work this week, but that must wait until the book is published, which will take more than a year! But I’ll be doing some previews from Teeny-Tiny soon, so I’ll finally get to share what Brandi did last year. Stay tuned!

Two Years of Tiny Knitting


That’s right—last Friday’s Tiny Firecracker marks two years of knitting tiny animals, foods, people, and other various things. It started with a Tiny Brain on July 1st, 2009, then continued every weekday that month. After that, I was having so much fun that I’ve kept up the Tiny Challenge on a weekly basis ever since.

Some of the Tinys have been more successful than others, but it’s been a rewarding challenge. Coming up with a new Tiny to knit every week has forced me to take a regular break from current projects to brainstorm and problem solve. I’m made Tinys while I was on vacation, while I was under the weather, and while I thought I was way too busy to make time for it. And I’m glad I did! Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi is a direct result from this project, but even if it hadn’t turned into a book, I would still see it as a fulfilling way to spend a few hours each week.

Click around on the image above to be taken to the original blog posts.

Now for the question: will I keep it up? I don’t see why I should stop now—my love for Tiny knitting is as strong as ever—so I think I’ll keep making Tinys as long as I can. Maybe the project will change a bit over the next year, though. I would rather be flexible about the challenge and keep it meaningful rather than continue it just to try to break my own record.

If you’ve ever thought about doing a creative challenge, whether to be documented on a blog or just something to do in private, I encourage you to start today! Make an illustration each week, write a poem every month, or take an improv class. I’ll continue to knit and see what happens next.

Pearl and the Beard Giveaway Winner

It was great to get so many entries in the Pearl and the Beard giveaway! To win a copy of their new album Killing the Darlings, I asked you to tell us who you would put in your three-person sweater. 48 of you revealed who you’d like to get cozy with! And our randomly-selected winner is…


Comment #40 by knitcrazy!

Me, my Mom, and my Mom’s friend Vera. We all love knitting (well, maybe my Mom less), so we would be wearing and knitting the sweater at the same time!

Congrats, knitcrazy! Now you will be able to listen to some lovely Pearl and the Beard music while you attempt to knit a three-person sweater of your own.

This was a really fun giveaway to do, and many thanks go to Pearl and the Beard for sharing their music. If you haven’t yet, go check out their website!