Category: Knitted Things

Tiny Perching Pigeon


This guy and all of his friends are guilty of LWC, loitering while cute!

And I have a special announcement today: this will soon be a free pattern on the Mochimochi blog! It’s about time I made a free Tiny pattern, and since June is a month of knitting in public, I hope flocks of Tiny Perching Pigeons will soon be hopping off of everyone’s needles and onto the nearest tree branch, park bench, or neighbor’s dog’s tail. (I just want to see that last one once!)

The idea for the Tiny Perching Pigeon comes out of a project that I’m planning with Stitch London next month during my trip to the UK. I thought pigeons were the perfect thing to bring to London from New York, so I’m going to get together with the Stitch Londoners on June 21st for a pigeon-making party and a photo shoot out in a public place! If you’re in the London area, please join us! I’ll post the official details soon.

Check back for the free pattern in the next week or so!

Tiny Whale


This guy asks you to save the whales from pollution, whaling, and annoying references to Jersey Shore.

meey suggested that I make a tiny whale way back in July of last year, so meey gets a free pattern! And thank you to everyone who reminded me lately that a tiny whale would be cute!

Lost at Sea

I was really flattered to be invited by Kristen Rask to participate in her upcoming group show at gallery hanahou, “Lost at Sea.”


The show will feature aquatic-themed works by 33 fiber artists, including Jenny Hart, Hine Mizushima, Jill Bliss, Helle Jorgensen (who made the beautiful crocheted piece pictured above), and other very talented people.

And here are the pieces I made for the show!




If you’re in the NYC area, please come to the opening on May 6th, 7-9 pm!