Lost at Sea

I was really flattered to be invited by Kristen Rask to participate in her upcoming group show at gallery hanahou, “Lost at Sea.”


The show will feature aquatic-themed works by 33 fiber artists, including Jenny Hart, Hine Mizushima, Jill Bliss, Helle Jorgensen (who made the beautiful crocheted piece pictured above), and other very talented people.

And here are the pieces I made for the show!




If you’re in the NYC area, please come to the opening on May 6th, 7-9 pm!

23 thoughts on “Lost at Sea

  1. Those are all great! I especially love the middle one, the texture is really awesome.

  2. That is soooooo adorable! I am completely and madly in LOVE! :D

    mini sailboats = cute beyond words!

  3. Thank you, everybody! It was fun to have a theme to work with for these, and I liked trying to think of different forms that water could take.

    I’ve seen some of the other works that will be in the show and they’re really incredible. So please, if you are in NYC, I hope you’ll come see the show!

    Melissa, it’s likely that the sailboat will pop up as a pattern at some point!

    He’s adorable, he almost seems upset to have to eat the cute little sailboat.

    Also may i suggest tiny girafe, i love them and a tiny one would be awesome :D

  5. they are all so cute i hope they all become avaliable – my son leaves for the navy boot camp July 7th. i would love to send him something so cute when he finally is stationed somewhere besides a ship.

  6. They are so cute. I just love them. I wish I was back in NYC. I would love to see them “live”.

  7. Such overwhelming cuteness!!! I feel sorry for the little boat, especially the ones on the second and third picture, beause they’re all alone. But the waves are so cute, I don’t think they’ll make it sink :)

  8. I love these patterns! And I love the ones in the gallery. Will you ever sell the patterns you used for shows? ( e.g. These ocean ones, the machines that make things, giant things that attack the city.) I would love to make them to give away. (My brother LOVES them!) Plese reply back!


  9. I hope you sell the middle one as a pattern one day … I don’t think I’ve ever been so in love with a knitted toy!

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