The thirteenth tiny thing is a Tiny Armadillo.
He doesn’t know what to do with himself since he isn’t dead on the side of the road.
This one is dedicated to my dad, who has been requesting a knitted armadillo for years!
The thirteenth tiny thing is a Tiny Armadillo.
He doesn’t know what to do with himself since he isn’t dead on the side of the road.
This one is dedicated to my dad, who has been requesting a knitted armadillo for years!
The twelfth tiny thing is a Tiny Earth.
He spends most of his time trying to get the tiny continents to quit talking all at once.
Antarctica (bottom right) is the only one who ever listens, of course.
Thank you all for the great suggestions for tiny things! Your ideas are super helpful and inspirational, so please keep them coming in the comments. If I end up making the tiny thing that you suggest, you’ll get a free (not-tiny) pattern!
The eleventh tiny thing is a Tiny Tornado.
He picked up a tiny tree a few towns back, and he thinks it’s the perfect accessory! The tree doesn’t share the sentiment, unfortunately.
The tenth tiny thing is a Tiny Vacuum Cleaner.
He’s seeking therapy after years of being told that he sucks.
The ninth tiny thing is a Tiny Old Potato.
Everybody forgot about him, and now he’s been sitting in the pantry for the better part of a year. Hooray for not being boiled, smashed or fried and eaten!
The eighth tiny thing is a Tiny Hot Air Balloon.
They will sail around the world in 80 days! Or maybe to CVS and back in 20 minutes! (The basket is almost out of sunblock.)
I mentioned this in the comments yesterday, but I thought I’d say again that it’s been great getting all your positive comments on the tiny things! I’m very happy to hear that there is interest in patterns. I haven’t yet planned any patterns for the tiny things (I have a lot of others that I’m working on right now)—for now I’m just concentrating on many as many little things as I can come up with. If I do decide to do any patterns, I’ll let you all know asap!
The sixth tiny thing is a Tiny Bully.
He doesn’t have much choice but to pick on things his own size, so he’s been trying to steal the other tiny things’ lunch money. Unfortunately, tiny knitted objects tend to be the brown bagging type, and our Bully is allergic to peanut butter.