Category: Awesome Things

Giant Ball of Yarn!

Update: Thanks to CRAFT for the link!

Soupy told me about a dream he had the other day…


No, this is not a camera trick. But it’s also not completely made of yarn. It’s going to be part of my new show in Berlin! This big ball of yarn will become a kind of sun at the center of a fiber solar system, and it’s going to be knitting an asteroid belt out of itself… Anyway, it’s going to be cute.

The show will be part of the Character Walk of exhibitions in the Pictoplasma Festival, which is happening April 6-9 in Berlin. And I get to go to Berlin for the first time! Unfortunately, Soupy has an important business meeting and can’t come.

But I think I know what he’ll be dreaming about for a while.


Many thanks to Lion Brand for the yarn! I’ll post more updates and info as the show gets closer.

Inspiration for 2011

Let’s start this year off with some inspiration! Here are a few things that are making me want to do new and exciting stuff…


Digital Textile Design by Melanie Bowles and Ceri Issac

I’d had my eye on this book since it came out in 2009, and just got it for Christmas! (Thanks Mom and Dad!) I haven’t yet delved into the technical stuff, but I’m determined to be designing myself some textiles by year’s end. How cool would it be to make a stuffed toy out of your own fabric? I know Spoonflower has been around for a while, but I’m interested in seeing what other possibilities there might be. And then actually doing it!



Ninon is an Italian plush artist living in Berlin, and she totally has my heart right now with her fun fabric combos and lovely embroidery. I bought this beautiful creature by her at Schmancy on my Seattle trip, and she has plenty more in her Etsy shop and also in the current plush show at gallery hanahou! (Read an interview with her on the gallery blog.)


The Knitgrrl Guide to Professional Knitwear Design by Shannon Okey

I ordered Shannon’s book several months back, and finally had a chance to read through it toward the end of the year. Just reading about her experiences being a professional designer (along with her interviews with many other designers) gave me some much-needed motivation to take a step back and think about where I would like to go with my work and life in general. It’s definitely not just for design professionals, either—if you have any interest in designing, or blogging, or some other kind of crafty enterprise, this book will give you some good ideas and a starting point.



CRAFT featured one of this knitter’s amazing designs a little while ago, and it was the most inspiring knitting I had seen in a while. I had to send her fan mail right away! She has patterns and gorgeous finished items and available in her Etsy shop. (And I would be lying if I said her designs didn’t make me want to make insane color work toys…)



This 2009 documentary popped up on Netflix Saturday night, and it turned out to be a good way to ease into the year. It was a bit slow for John, but I appreciated its low-key, reflective tone, and I enjoyed hearing about the processes of various people working in industrial design and how they each define “good design.”


Crazy Rhythms by The Feelies

I am constantly plugged into music and podcasts while I knit and do everything else, so I get excited when I come across a new album that I can obsess over. In the case of The Feelies (thanks, Leah!), this is not a new album at all (it was originally released in 1980), but that’s almost better—it’s somehow reassuring to think that there are great things from the past waiting to be re-appreciated. New music helps stimulate new ideas, is what I’m thinking!

Thank You for a Great 2010

I wanted to wrap up 2010 with a thank-you to all of you who have visited the Mochimochi Blog this past year. Whether you’ve let your presence known or not, I’ve enjoyed sharing my projects with you!

So much happened in this busy year. How about a quick review?

– A new website design
– 10 new patterns in the shop
– 3 new free patterns on the blog
Knitting pigeons with Stitch London
Knitting Mochimochi came out
– My first solo show opened in NYC
– 52 weekly Tiny Things (assuming I can squeeze one more in by Friday)
– and the best ever Mochimochi Photo Contest!

I feel so lucky to get to do all of this and have you all along with me, and I’m planning and wishing for more exciting stuff in 2011. See you then!

Smitten with Seattle

I just got back from an amazing trip to Seattle on Monday! My primary reason for the trip was Urban Craft Uprising, the big craft show last weekend where I had my first-ever craft show experience as a vendor. The show—and the whole trip, really—way exceeded my expectations. I was lucky enough to have my mother-in-law Bonney and my sister-in-law Jenna along with me, so we made a mini-vacation out of it that turned out to be a crafter’s dream weekend.

Among other things, we paid a visit to Schmancy, the vinyl and plush toy store in downtown Seattle, where Plush You! is held every year.


Kristen Rask is the owner (and one of the organizers behind Urban Craft Uprising)—she really has a gift for finding talented artists and bringing them together in successful ways. A true curator!


I’ve blogged about Schmancy before, but this was my fist time to visit in person. My wallet was definitely lighter by the time I left the store.


Next we were invited for a special visit to Cascade Yarns by Shannon, the lovely lady who provided yarn for my book and my installation this year.


It was pretty unreal to see the place where all of the gorgeous yarns come from. Since their products are so popular, I was expecting a big company, but in actuality they have fewer than 20 employees, and we even got to have lunch with the wife of the founder of Cascade.

Everyone there was so nice, and many of them had made Mochimochi toys! Tammy had a pair of Bed Bugs right on her desk.


Shannon was kind enough to take us on a tour of the warehouse, where each color of every yarn they make is on glorious display.


I probably said “Oooh! Look at that color!” about 50 times as we went through each aisle. Even Bonney, of the world’s biggest stash, was in awe.


We might have even gotten to take a few samples home with us…

And finally, Urban Craft Uprising was an incredible experience! The many talented vendors, the nearly 10,000 visitors, the awesome playlist that Moxie (president of UCU) put together to make the whole place happy… And here’s what my little table looked like!


My sister-in-law (who was a huge help at the event, along with my MIL) took some way better pictures that I’ll post soon.

I was a bit nervous to get out there in front of the general public with my silly knitted stuff, but everyone was so nice and enthusiastic!

I left out a ton of stuff that we did in Seattle, but this blog post would take me all day if I included everything. I love Seattle and I can’t wait to go back!!

Tiny Synth Loves Krautrock

Many of you had ideas about what kind of music our tiny synth is into! But I think Emma got it exactly right:


All he wanted was to be in the latest Kraftwerk tribute band – ‘Craft Work’!

Nice job, Emma! Your winning caption gets you a free PDF pattern from the Mochimochi Shop.

Honorable Mentions in the Mochimochi Photo Contest are coming up very soon!

Mochis in TV Japan Ad

Just before my show opening last month, I was fortuitously connected with a producer for TV Japan, which is a Japanese-language network available in the US and Canada. She was making a commercial promoting the upcoming season of programming from Japan, and was looking for some cute models to create a fun city scene to intersperse between the show clips. It just so happened that I had recently created an entire knitted world for my show, so she borrowed almost the entire installation for the commercial!

Because the ad includes clips of shows that I don’t have rights to use, I unfortunately can’t show the finished product here (it aired in mid to late October on TV Japan), but the producer sent me some photos from the shoot!


They did a live-action shoot of the little world, using something (wire or magnets, I think) to make toy cars move around. Aside from the cars, they also incorporated characters that the producer handmade herself.


I wish I could have been there just to see how it was all done!


It was very cool to have my toys involved in a commercial project, and I would love to do more things like this in the future.

Super Happy Pumpkin Mail

I got the most fun mail the other day! Madeline shares my passion for knitted tiny stuff, and she was sweet enough to send me a tiny knitted pumpkin of her own design.


I love it!

The inspiration for the pumpkin came from Madeline’s workplace—she manages the store housed in the giant pumpkin that you see in the photos.

Madeline referred to her package as “fan mail,” so I guess this is my first-ever fan mail—thrilling! Thank you, Madeline!

New Glasses, Old Camera

I have new glasses! I wear glasses pretty much every day, and I buy new ones infrequently, so it’s a big deal. I think the style of the dark blue frames is somewhere between librarian and superheroine.


Since my camera is also in the picture, I thought I’d mention that I LOVE this camera. It’s a Canon PowerShot Elph that I’ve used for everything over the past few years. I takes most of my blog pics, it goes with me on vacation, and I even used it to take all of the technique photos in Knitting Mochimochi. I got a more professional SLR camera earlier this year, but this point-and-shoot is still my go-to camera for most things.