Category: Blog

The World’s Biggest Stash?

Update: Read an interview with Bonney about her stash!

While we’re on the topic of my lovely mother-in-law, and while we happen to be visiting my in-laws for the 4th of July holiday, let’s take a peek at her awesomely huge yarn stash:


Viewing this stash is like walking into a gothic cathedral: it inspires those in its presence to renew their belief in God (or knitting, as it were).


The room itself is sort of separate from the rest of the house, and may be the quietest place I’ve ever been. Thanks to the yarn, it has recording studio-worthy soundproofing, so it’s just you, the yarn, and that unsettling sound of the blood rushing through your head.


Bonney has been collecting this yarn for years, bravely taking in stride her family’s varied remarks about it. Personally, I can’t help but feel honored to be in the presence of all this fiber. At the same time, I like the lived-in quality of the stash room – it reflects the way that Bonney actively uses her stash as a resource and inspiration, instead of an untouchable Museum of Yarn.


Though if she wanted to, I think she could start charging admission.


I feel obligated to say that this isn’t all of Bonney’s yarn. The living culture that is her yarn stash has long since spread down the stairs, and into several other rooms, where it’s started growing baby yarn colonies.

It’s easy to make fun of someone who has such an obscenely large collection of yarn, but really, aren’t you just deeply jealous? Not me, because I get free yarn!

The List

Sometimes funny things happen to people who don’t have blogs.

My mother-in-law sent me an email earlier this week:

I was so wishing I had a blog on Friday. I was going to Concord and listening to the radio. I was kind of day dreaming when I finally realized they were reading a list of names. On and on they went, so I decided they were reading names of people from the area that were serving in Iraq or something along those lines. Then they said something like “Group D same sex.” What the heck?!?! I finally realized that I’d been listening to a list of lottery winners. “Winners” in the lottery for moose hunting!!!! They read names for an HOUR!!

She lives in New Hampshire, so I guess winning the moose lottery is a big deal there. Anyway, an amusing story. Unless you’re a moose.

Music I Have Bought and Liked Recently

Since I seem to be covering my favorites in various media lately, why not music?

islandscover Return to the Sea – Islands insisted that I wanted this album. Their music-pushing is a little annoying, but Amazon knows me all too well. I wasn’t too familiar with the Unicorns, from whom Islands apparently sprung, but they’re from Montreal, and maybe that’s about all we need to know. Even expecting to like this album, I was pleasantly surprised at just how listenable it is. There’s something good-naturedly bratty about its sound, which is fun.

holecover Live Through This – Hole

Maybe you remember that Courtney love used to be known for her band in addition to her late husband and drug problem. This was actually one of the first CDs I ever bought (maybe the second), when I was about 14. Having lost it long ago, I just bought it again recently, after hearing that Ms. Love is working on a new album. Listening to it again, I’m not convinced that its subject matter is appropriate for a 14-year-old, but it’s certainly just as good as I remembered. A very tight, cohesive album, at once very pretty and disturbing.

Very curious to hear what’s coming next from her.

arcadecover Neon Bible – Arcade Fire

This was another case in which it seemed like every media outlet was insisting that we all want this album, the follow-up to the hit Funeral. So I put off getting it until everyone shut up about it, and now I admit I feel a little late to the party. It’s dark, epic, and completely deadpan, which is refreshing. Maybe like a soundtrack to a hip and modernized Les Miserables. It seems that you just can’t go wrong with Montreal music these days. Is something in the water?

tillycoverWild Like Children – Tilly and the Wall

This one is a couple of years old, but I just recently got it. It’s upbeat indie-pop, with the unique accompaniment of tap-dancing throughout. I have to say, the tapping schtick gets to be a little much for me to listen to the album straight through, but it’s charming nonetheless – the songs themselves are clever, and certainly deserving of points for originality.

Also looking forward to the new Cornelius. (Anyone heard it?)

Teeny Tiny Lemmings

I’m trying to take some time this summer to create a few one-off knitted pieces. Little landscapes or scenes are appealing because the possibilities seem endless, and it’s a great opportunity to incorporate some texture (you know, purling and cable patterns and maybe even a little lace), which I have been starting to miss lately after all the stockinette madness that my toys require.

My first effort is a little scene of itty-bitty lemmings jumping off a cliff. Here are the first two that I just knitted up (one is meant to be leaning over the edge, and the other dangling by one little paw):


This is by far the smallest thing I’ve ever attempted. And by the way, no need to be horrified at my subject choice – I checked, and lemmings do not typically make it a habit to hurl themselves off cliffs into the ocean. So this is just pretend mass suicide!

Here is a slightly better photo, with our couch standing in as the cliff:


I guess they’re a bit more convincing in person. Anyway, if all goes well, the finished piece will include knitted water, knitted cliff, and a small army of knitted lemmings in various stages of jumping.

Team Macho

The gallery I work for has a fun summer show coming up next month. I’ll post the details once the show opens (on July 19th), but for now I thought I’d share the awesomeness of one of our special participants, Team Macho.

Team Macho is an art collaboration of five men based in Toronto. Their work is a gleefully eclectic mix of styles and little surprises.


They recently had a show at Magic Pony in Toronto, where they released their book called Fancy Action Now. (I’m having trouble locating the book online, but I suspect that Magic Pony might still have some copies.)


It’s all so strange and wonderful – I can’t wait to see what they’ve come up with for our show.


Best of all, check out their adorable photo:

Don’t you just want to give them all a big hug? Team Macho seems very huggable. And they’ll send you some artwork if you happen to have a spare drill press lying around. How nice!

Legos + Star Wars + Video Game = Nerd Heaven

As I’ve admitted before, I’m a sucker for cute video games. If you are too, then you must get Lego Star Wars II. This game (available for all kinds of game systems, though I’m playing it on PS2), allows you to play a variety of characters, from Princess Leia to an anonymous stormtrooper, through a super-condensed version of the three original Star Wars movies. And everything is made of Legos!


The attention to detail in the cut scenes is delightful – if you’ve seen the movies in the past 10 years or so, you’ll recognize little bits of action from the movie, though they whizz by in a fraction of the time that they played out in the original.


In fact, it’s kind of an interesting study of the Star Wars epic as a shared cultural story: if you had never seen the movies, you would have no idea what is going on in the video game, there’s so much shorthand in the scenes.


As for the gaming action, it’s well designed, incorporating little Lego puzzles in addition to the shooting of stormtroopers. Come upon a pile of Lego blocks and you can make your character assemble them into a robot or secret exit at lightning speed.

Oh, and you can play with two people! It’s fun to make John do the boring work of keeping the bad guys at bay while I put all the Lego contraptions together.

So it’s cute, and fun, and multi-player. Highly recommended.

And if you’re wondering, yes, there apparently was a first Lego Star Wars game, but it takes you through the prequel movies, which nobody liked.

Rock Albers, Comic Hero

Tonight John and I went to see his big brother (as seen on Last Comic Standing!) perform at Gotham. Laughter ensued.

rockalbersAmong the 12 or so five-minute performances, the highlight of the evening came with bunny ears, a boom box, and a megaphone. Rock Albers stole the show by far, at least according to our table of three. I’m generally more of a quiet chuckler than a hearty guffawer, but Mr. Albers had me in pieces, literally crying with his routine about various countries’ national animals. Maybe his comedy isn’t for everyone, but for us it was truly inspiring.

Check out the videos on his website for a sense of the experience. The “state birds” clip made me realize that Rock and I have something in common: we’re both from Oklahoma!

After the show, we met him and signed up to his mailing list (an honest-to-God mailing list, with real newsletters), so we’re looking forward to much more Rock.

TV Guy

Little outdated TV Guy used to be the talk of the town, but now he is dwarfed by today’s modern technology.


There’s not much to him, just a blank screen and antennae. (His knobs fell off sometime in the early ’90s.)


He doesn’t measure up in more ways than one….


Retirement isn’t so bad, though – now that no one is watching him, TV Guy has more time to watch what he wants to watch: Trading Spouses.