Sweaty, Serengeti, Spaghetti…Tiny Yeti!

You all made my morning very difficult with so many fantastic Tiny Yeti rhymes to choose from! Fortunately John helped out, and we decided on TWO winners of our Tiny Yet Rhyme-off.


Oh, no! said the tiny white yeti,
I awoke in the wide Serengeti!
The wildebeests here
Have nothing to fear
‘Cause I can’t make a move; I’m too sweaty!

That’s from Laura!

And our other winner:


The sweet tiny yeti
Feeling kind of petty
Went to his mother for aid.

No knitter was he
Though he wished he could be
For he was very, very afraid.

“White” he cried!
Is so easily dyed!
Which why I can only eat beans.

But out there he knew
Just out of his view
Was a world of exotic cuisines.

A plethora of berries
Big bright red cherries
All looked to be to his taste.

But the stains they’d impose
Upon his white clothes
Would leave him most disgraced.

The solution however
He felt was most clever
And for it his mother was key.

Just simple knit sweater
Would remove his fetters
He stood and solemnly decreed.

So she worked both day and night
Though she felt the sweater might
Leave her son quite sweaty.

But the tiny yeti felt
It was wonderfully svelte
For he was finally able to eat spaghetti!

That Tiny Yeti tale is by Mariette!

Oh, I just noticed that both of our winners used “sweaty” to rhyme with Yeti. I guess there’s something about a sweaty yeti that is adorable.

For their creative yeti stories and deft rhyming, Laura and Mariette each get a Tiny Santa Kit!


There were so many other superb rhymes in the comments—definitely worth reading if you’re a yeti fan!

6 thoughts on “Sweaty, Serengeti, Spaghetti…Tiny Yeti!

  1. ahhhh well done winners i still really like my yeti rhyme though aswell so its all good ;D cant wait for next competition heehee

  2. Amanda Scruggs:

    Rhyming is def not my forte! Great job to the winners!

    Same here, but I love reading a good rhyme! congratulations to the winners, and I love the little backdrops for little Yeti, so sweet! :)

  3. Congrats to the winners those are both delightfully cute poems. The yeti is also quite darling. I love yetis.

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