A Potpourri of Tiny Roses

The tiny roses are popping up like pretty weeds on Ravelry—as of today there are 40 of them listed!

Let’s marvel at how each of these tiny roses, although made from a very simple free pattern, is a unique and beautiful creature. (The Little Prince was right, of course!) Kittrin’s Mr. Rose, for example, may have walked right out of a Super Mario Bros. game, while DQknits’ Tiny Rose strikes me as a little hand-dyed diva.


lolypoplolpop1’s Not-As-Tiny Rose, below, seems like a bit of a tough guy with a soft heart, and beckjohn’s Tiny roses are siblings who have nothing to say to each other right now because they’ve been arguing about tap vs. distilled water and they’ve each realized that they’re never going to change the other’s mind.


Unsurprisingly (but delightfully!) QueenofSheeba went and knitted up a whole colony of glamorous tiny roses,


And in our Flickr group, Knit Mermaid is killing me with this spot-on Baby Groot.


So many loved ones are going to be delighted/nonplussed this weekend. Valentine’s Day is two days away, the pattern is free and super quick—if you haven’t yet, hurry up and knit a tiny rose!