Mochimochi in CraftSanity

Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood of CraftSanity just launched a great new magazine full of all kinds of projects—knitting, crochet, papercraft, recipes and more. She was nice enough to feature me in her first issue too!


Opposite the feature is the pattern for my Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi Snowmen. I hoped it was a project simple enough for her readers who have some knitting experience but don’t knit all the time.

The magazine is available both in print and as a PDF download.

On top of that, Jennifer just released a podcast of a conversation with me that she recorded a few weeks back. I always avoid hearing my recorded voice when possible, so I haven’t listened to it myself yet. But I remember having a great talk with her about knitting toys and what I was up to in 2010. (You can also see a photo of me desperately trying to get Nipsey to pose with me on her website.)

Thank you, Jennifer, and congrats on the new magazine!