What’s on my needles right now? It’s a tiny mystery!
Today (July 31) is the LAST DAY to get a free mystery kit with purchase of any two kits or books from the Mochimochi Shop. There are three mystery designs available—so, order four kits/books to receive two of them, and order six kits/books to get all three. These are sent automatically with orders—no need to add anything to your cart.
And as I’ve mentioned before, if you’ve already received a mystery kit and would like to get one or both of the other designs, just shoot me an email (at info [at] mochimochiland [dot] com) and let me know which one you already have so you don’t get a duplicate.
The mystery designs will be revealed later this year (probably October) when the patterns are officially available in my shop. From what I’ve seen poking around social media, those who have gotten the mystery kits share my excitement about them—yay!
I couldn’t resist placing an order, and wound up with 2 mystery kits, one of them being the design pictured in this post. Both of the mystery kits that came to me are awesome, but I am TOTALLY in love with the one you have there on your needles! I have a friend who has a special attachment to this particular creature, and I can’t wait to knit one up for her. Thank you so much!