My new picture book is out now!

Following up on the prepositional cats in CATSIDE UP, CATSIDE DOWN, the dogs in SHORT DOG, LONG DOG are all about opposites! Because dogs come in all shapes, sizes, barks, and personalities—from huge and tiny to itchy on the head and scratchy on the hiney—they’re the perfect subjects to explore the world of antonyms.

The book is now on sale at all the major booksellers, and hopefully also at your local bookstore and yarn shop too. (If not, ask them to stock it!)

If you preordered this book, thank you so much! I hope you love it, and I would be so grateful if you left a review on Amazon—it makes a big difference to book sales and potential future books.

I absolutely loved putting this book together and I hope you’ll love reading it and sharing it. It’s for kids, dog lovers, word nerds, and knitters alike! 🐶💕

🐶 Free pattern alert! 🐶

And for the knitters, there’s a free pattern to make the titular short and long dog. Available on Ravelry now!

🐶 Fun event alert! 🐶

If you’re in the Chicago area, please join me for a Short Dog, Long Dog release party at Cog Cycles and Yarns on Sunday February 23rd!

We’ll have a book reading at 11am, then a drop-in-and-knit-dogs session after that. Hope you see you there!

Short Dog, Long Dog is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Jenna, an expert in all things canine and always a source of dog wisdom and dog fun facts. She helped me come up with which breeds of dogs would embody which characteristics for my extremely technical book. And she’s also just the best possible sister-in-law and aunt to my kids. Thank you, Jenna!

Jenna also has her own business making gorgeous dog toys and accessories—check them out at Think Smart Pets!