Author: Anna

New Virtual Knitting LIVE classes in June

I’m teaching two ✨ALL NEW✨ classes with Virtual Knitting LIVE in June! Sign up now!

June 10th at 2pm Eastern: Tiny Toy Knitting Basics: Unicorns and Rainbows

In this class, we’ll knit a tiny unicorn together, covering all the techniques from start to finish: knitting on double-pointed needles, I-cord legs and horn, and embroidering a magical mane and tail. We’ll also go over how to use mattress stitch to shape knitted tubes into a little rainbow, so your unicorn can have a friend!

June 11th at 2pm Eastern: Short Rows in Toy Knitting: Tiny Alpaca

Learn to tackle more advanced knitted toys with wrap & turn short rows! We’ll discuss this technique as it applies to toys and get started on knitting a tiny alpaca that incorporates it. In addition to short rows, we’ll cover picking up stitches, I-cord limbs, and face embroidery. By the end of the class you’ll be on your way to making a herd of alpaca!

Get more details and sign up at the Vogue Knitting Live website. Hope to see you there!

Watch out for this account impersonating me on Facebook

It was brought to my attention over the weekend that someone’s set up an account on Facebook that’s impersonating me, sending out friend requests and even asking for personal information. This is more than annoying—I’m so upset thinking that someone could have their money or identity stolen through this scam.

Mochimochi Land is a Facebook page, not a personal account, so you would never receive a friend request from me on Facebook using that name. The Mochimochi Land page is administered by me using my real name, Anna Hrachovec. (I don’t encourage people to friend me on FB, just because I rarely post anything on my personal account.)

I’m so sorry to anyone who is getting spammed by this scammer. It would be a favor to me if you would report them—apparently the more people who do so, the more attention it my get from FB admins and hopefully that will help get it taken down sooner. But I’m reluctant to link to the scam page from here—I don’t want them to target my website next. So please just beware if you come across it and watch out for these kinds of scams in general!

Knit gnomes and dinosaurs with me in May!

A year into our Zoom-ified culture, I’ve gotten fully on board with virtual classes—they’re so fun! Sure, connecting via screens isn’t a complete substitute for in-person learning, but it has some real advantages. Participants can join from all over! You get a first-person perspective of what my hands are doing! I can show animations while everyone’s knitting stockinette rows!

So I’m excited to teach my Tiny Gnome class with Virtual Knitting LIVE again in May, and also in May I’ll be teaching my Tina the Tiny T-rex class once more with Knitrino!

May 15: Knit a Tiny Gnome

In this two-hour class, we’ll cover intermediate techniques used in my tiny gnome pattern: joining I-cord legs, knitting with 2, 3, and 4 double-pointed needles, switching colors, attaching I-cord arms, and embroidery tips. Your gnome can be clothed or gnaked—your choice!

Visit the Vogue Knitting LIVE website to register. Soupy the cat has agreed to consider making a special guest appearance.

May 22: Tina the Tiny T-Rex

This is a one-hour class covering the basic techniques that go into this fun, intermediate-level pattern, which is available in the Knitrino app. Techniques include a special seamless cast on, short rows (wrap & turn), and attaching tiny arms and legs! You can sign up within the Knitrino app—click on this link on your phone to get the app and sign up.

There’s also an option to get the class along with a kit, which includes lovely yarn from Hand Dyed Diva!

Free Pattern: Jabby the Friendly Syringe

I was so excited and grateful to recently get a COVID vaccine, I just had to knit a happy syringe! This pattern is dedicated to everyone in the world who worked hard to make these medical marvels happen in a stunningly short period of time.

You can view this free pattern right here, or download it via Ravelry. (If you’d like the PDF and aren’t able to use Ravelry, please email me for a copy.)

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