The Gnomes Get a Garden

Now that spring is in full swing, I’m getting to garden for the first time in my life in our new backyard. A few weeks back I planted some zinnia seeds that my mom sent me, and it looks like they’re finally coming up!


Of course, the gnomes didn’t hesitate to take over and claim this as their own work.

It occurs to me that gardening might be a bit like knitting, in that you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want, and it’s a rewarding pastime either way. I’m starting simple with these seeds, plus basil, tomato, and pepper plants that I just put in yesterday. I can’t wait to see what it all looks like in another month or two!

Gardeners: maybe I

3 thoughts on “The Gnomes Get a Garden

  1. I did plant some seeds, but somehow Johnny convinced me that what came up wasn’t actually catnip and I tore it out… but upon further Googling I see that it was catnip, so I guess I’ll have to plant some more!

  2. This is our first “garden season” in our new house, so we had to take a wait-and-see attitude with what came up in the ground as far as perennials go. Two lonely daffodil plants in the middle of nowhere, a couple of butterfly bushes, and something called White Chardonnay, which is not a beverage!! We don’t dare plant veggies (or many of them) as the deer herd here is rather large, plus there are turkeys in the area, and several racoons and opossums have been seen lurking about. I did plant some mint, chives and lemon balm, so we’ll see how that goes. Keep us updated on the zinnias!

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