Bipedal Cat pattern photos

Visuals to go with the Bipedal Cat pattern!

Setting up the I-cord leg stitches to get ready to join them in a round

You can find a step-by step tutorial of this technique in this how-to post.

Crotch stitching

Not to be confused with cross-stitching! Use mattress stitch to close the crotch, slipping the tapestry needle under the point of the knitted stitches’ Vs back and forth across the opening, until the gap is closed.

Inserting the I-cord arms

After pulling the yarn through the stitches with a tapestry needle to finish the I-cord, poke the tapestry needle from one side of the body to the other to form two arms. (Be careful not to split the stitches on the body!)

Weave the tails of the I-cord in by working the needle and yarn back through the I-cord, then in and out of the body several times to secure.

Picking up stitches for the ears

You’ll pick up stitches from right to left for each ear, so you’ll begin picking up stitches close to the top of the head for the left ear…

…and you’ll begin picking up stitches farther down the side of the head for the right ear.

I suggest making the ears in this order, so you can use the left ear as a guide to where to place your stitches for the right ear.

And one more pic of that cute cat butt!