Bob Update

Do you remember Bob? Bob remembers you!

Bob, who was christened by you wonderful readers, will be the next free Mochimochi Land pattern. He or she is coming very soon, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share a sneak peek at the new and improved Bob:


The changes are subtle- I just plumped her up a bit and made the tail part of the main knitting, instead of a separate piece. And the snout is a bit shorter now.

Check back soon to learn how to knit a Bob of your own!

7 thoughts on “Bob Update

  1. I like both versions….can we have both versions and choose our own options please?

  2. Faye,

    If I am rememberng the old Bob correctly, the only changes made to the new version of Bob are a shorter snout and a tail. For the original Bob all you need to do is knit the snout longer (which just should be a few extra knit rounds) and if you want to make Bob less plump do less increases when shaping.

  3. Thanks, Miki! You’re basically right – I’ll have the pattern up next week, and you’ll see that new Bob and old Bob are pretty much alike.

    So Faye, I hope you’ll give the new Bob a try once it’s ready!

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