There are still some plushes available from “Luv-able & Hug-able” at the gallery hanahou online shop! Since we’re starting to get down to the wire, gifting- and especially shipping-wise for the holidays, I thought I’d highlight some of my favorites that still need homes.
Sophie by Elisabeth Doherty (aka Gourmet Amigurumi):
Drakkart with Wave by Sandra Monat of herzensart:
Swimmers – Egg Plant by Hine Mizushima:
Telephone by Katie Park (aka Caffaknitted):
Mineton by Yuriko Sera:
And of course there are still some Tiny Things made by me and two of the Conversion Factories available.
The gallery and its online ordering will be closed December 24 – January 3rd.
Also, check out these little interviews with Katie Park, Keighty Paul (aka Keighty Crochet), and me on the CWC-i blog!
I am so sorry I missed it this year. My husband didn’t get home until 10pm that night.
Missed you at the opening, but the show is still ongoing through January 9th! I’ll be at the gallery all day on Tuesday (12/22) in case you’re in the area that day.