Knitted Waves

I’m excited to be working on a piece for an upcoming sea-themed show curated by Kristen Rask of Schmancy.


My dad used to have a sailboat, which he particularly liked to take out on gusty days. The whole rocking ordeal terrified me for the most part, so to this day I don’t feel a strong calling to jump on a boat. But I do love the romantic, summery image—especially on this snowy day in NY!

10 thoughts on “Knitted Waves

  1. Yeah- a whale, or even a few fishes jumping out!
    or or or a sunset in the background!

  2. Very cute! And the great thing about this duo is they won’t make me seasick. Would it be possible to knit a tiny spinning wheel? I wonder…

  3. We always thought you were squealing with glee on that Catalina. Oh sadness. Glad knitting therapy is making breakthroughs.

  4. Love it! I am with the people who suggested a whale, but now that I think about it, I think a dolphin (or two) would be cute, too.

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