Winning caption from Elise:
Skeins… SKEINS…
Let’s do another caption contest for this guy! Leave your caption in the comments, and I’ll pick the cutest/funniest one on Monday. The winner gets a free PDF pattern!
Winning caption from Elise:
Skeins… SKEINS…
Let’s do another caption contest for this guy! Leave your caption in the comments, and I’ll pick the cutest/funniest one on Monday. The winner gets a free PDF pattern!
Comments are closed.
Hide your cashmere! Worsted Zombie on the loose!
Brains i want brains even if i am only made of yarn
Big dismay, possible with a mini zombie?
Poor fellow can only eat bug brains because of his size.
Don’t worry the zombie is looking for brains and not you’re safe..for now…
the Tiniest Zombie Apocalypse
Tiny Zombie is ready for his casting call for the new thriller, “Night of the Living Thread”.
please let me suckle your brain im just a baby……..
Hold still I just want a nibble;)Hugs Darcy
I require a shrink ray to get the meat bags down to my size!
I just want a hug…mmm…hungry
Chocolate Milk! Me want now!
Tiny Brain is worried.
Pleeease do a photoshoot with those two!!!
“He wants your brains but he’ll probably have to settle for your big toe”
Rule one: Frogging.
“At least you could look scared! Small zombies have feelings too, ya know!”
All he wants to do is eat your brains. He’s not unreasonable, I mean, he’s not going to eat your eyes.
tiny brainz beware!
(Take off on Brains but with yarn theme… LOL)
Tiny zombie is embarrassed to admit he prefers mini cupcakes to brains.
He doesn’t understand why everyone runs from him. He only wants a hug.
Tiny Zombie likes Tiny Brains. I’d lock my doors if I were you…
Rule 4: Double Knit
No tiny knitted brains results in one unhappy tiny knitted zombie.
Forget brains- this little guy is ready to attack your yarn stash!
Sheeeepppzzz Braaaainzzzzzz, hmm tastes like chicken…
Night of the Living Knitting.
M: how was school son?
Z: eeerrrggghhhh
M: tough day?
just hook me onto your spectacles…. i’m a great accessory… and it’ll give me a good view!
Me hate toothpicks!
I just want to be a pickle
Poor tiny zombie! He dreams of singing in a barbershop quartet with tiny ghost, tiny vampire and tiny alien, but he can barely muster a moan!
I can has brains?
Take me to your yarn shop!
Don’t let his size fool you; this zombie is deadly. The trouble is, he can’t seem to get a bite to eat cause his victims keep stepping on him.
He eats a raisin a day … not because he’s on a health kick – we just tell him they’re tiny brains.
Uh-Oh you better hide that mini brain you made :)
weez arez undeadz pleaz
tiny zombie hungers for brains! fluffy, fluffy brains!!
Barney Rubble has a bad case of the blergh.
He’d really rather not eat brains. A limb or two can be just as satisfying when chewed throroughly, preferably kittens.
Nobody busts out Thriller moves like this guy. Too bad no one can see them without a magnifying glass.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ma-ca-rena! oi!
(mini zombie’s favourite dance)
I is not hunrgry for brains. I is vegetarian. mmmm plants! i is famous zombie, me have me own video game, Plants vs. Zombies!
Poor tiny zombie still hasnt had a lead role in a zombie movie. Cameras can’t zoom in for that much of a close up.
All he’s ever wanted was to dance in thriller, but he’ll have to settle for thriller Jr.
Iz wantz to eeatz your brainz!
many a night tiny zombie has dreamed of dancing in Thriller, but he can never make it into scare intensive dance class
Tiny merlion?
Looks like you already picked theg funniest one… from your nose! Ewwww!
Skeins… SKEINS…
Just finished watching “Night of the Living Dead” and now is properly motivated. Look out Tiny People everywhere!
“awww, c’mon, give me a hug!”
Shaun of the Dead comes to mind…
“Just look at the face: it’s vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who’s lost a bet. “
“Your brain will help me grow big and strong.”
I was trying to come up with something great but #4 is so awesome.
I’ll second the vote for #4.
My brain has already been zombied.
Watch out for this tiny zombie, you may just find him in your refrigerator drinking all your pickle juice. He’s just trying to be as scary as his big uncle Frankenstein though, so don’t be too hard on him!
Tiny zombie loves to hang out with scientists because they have the biggest brains. And he’s just the right size to sneak under their lab doors.
From How I Met Your Mother:
“I want to eat your brains! But only if they are organic and grass-fed!”
As seen in “Land of the Knit” and “Day of the Purled”
must have yarn scraps! must have yarn scraps!
“Can we keep him? He won’t eat much.”
Next time you get a headache or you get too forgetful, beware it could be a miniature zombie that’s crawled into your ear at night. It could be eating your brainsssss!
Maybe you can knit a piano? Or a TINY piano! ^^