Gnomes vs Snowmen Photos

So this is the last week of Gnomes vs Snowmen!

I took some photos of the installation last week, which I’m excited to finally share here. I’m hoping to take better ones before the show ends (this Friday is the last day), but for now here’s a look at some fun bits of the big battle!

WARNING: These photos contain adorable knitted violence and nudity.


A tragic accident kind of spoils the day, and a pleasant afternoon of naked bathing is rudely interrupted…


A Snowman awaits his old-timey demise…


A Gnome gets smothered by his own beard!


A fallen hero is laid to rest in the cutest way possible…


Toasted Snowmen smell like revenge…


An epic snowball fight begins, and quickly ends…


A normally peaceful house becomes an unwitting arms dealer…


An angst-filled Snowman strips Gnomes of their non-hat attire and exiles them to Snowberia…


Santa has had it with the fighting, and unleashes evil robots! (You can just see Santa’s backside in the left side of the photo; he is pulling a lever on his factory.)


Snomen and Gnomes both do their part to destroy the evil robots…


Gnomes and Snowmen discover that friendship is almost as fun as fighting!

Soon the two armies will pack up and call a real timeout, but until Friday you can see the installation at gallery hanahou in NYC! A complete show catalog can be downloaded at the gallery website.

Thank you to gallery hanahou, Pictoplasma, and Cascade Yarns for their help making this show happen!

23 thoughts on “Gnomes vs Snowmen Photos

  1. Oh how I wish I was anywhere near New York! What an absolutely brilliant idea! I have loved looking through the online gallery. Thanks for sharing. I’ve enjoyed several chuckles at the scenes.

  2. The snowman arms/hands are just the cutest part of it all, whether they’re smothering gnomes or pulling down icicles. I love your work.

  3. Thanks so much for the super nice comments, everyone! This was a giant project for me, but probably my most exciting to date.

    Abby – for the first time, I used a knitting machine to make the flat pieces, including all of the grass and snow. It was a huge lifesaver! I’m planning to do another blog post just about the knitting machine soon.

  4. This is one of the most brilliant pieces of art I have seen. I love it! Wish I could visit in person, but I am glad to be able to see it virtually. Great job!

  5. My 5-year-old fell in love with the photos of your exhibit, particularly the gnome cemetery scene which he dubbed the “Gnometery”. He’s asked me to knit him one just like it, lol. I think he’s a little overconfident in his mom’s knitting ability :)

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