Cozy Squozy Cats!

Just in time for the hottest days of summer, Cozy Squozy Cats are ready to be knit by you!

These pocket-sized cats are the purfect fit for their containers: knit a cat in a box 📦, a cat in a life preserver 🍩, a cat in a bag 👜, and (because cats are weird) a cat in a corset 🥜!

They’re just as cute outside of their containers, too!

The intermediate-level pattern collection is now available as a download in the Mochimochi Shop or via Ravelry.

Plus, box cat, bag cat, and life preserver cat are also available as kits! Each comes with a pattern and enough yarn and stuffing to make one cozy cat. 🧶

As Soupy will tell you, July is an excellent month for getting cozy.

(For the record, this is NOT the yarn that goes in the kits!)

More cozy cat GIFs are coming soon—watch for them on Instagram!