“I believe you have my stapler?”
CraftyGinger made the funniest Baldee in the likeness of Milton Waddams from Office Space. For the above image, she Photoshopped the sexy glasses and eyes onto him to give him just the right look. Clever!
Now all he needs, says CraftyGinger, is a tiny red stapler. I just might try to make one myself if she doesn’t do it first, though I’m not so sure I could pull it off.
Thanks so much for the test, Kari!
Too funny!
Polymer clay would make such an awesome stapler.
Wow, that is an amazingly good likeness of poor old Milton.
That is awesome.
(Keep him away from the matches! And make sure he gets his fair share of cake!)
This so makes me want to watch the movie again!
Too cute :)
Thanks Anna! I think you could totally make a tiny stapler, but I’m finally getting to mine after after a long weekend trip to Vegas! Fun!
Thanks guys! I know the costume was a bit off, but the pattern screamed Milton to me. I know, I am a geek, and it’s okay. Hehe.
OMG, that is so funny. Now, can someone knit a stapler surrounded by jello??