Daniel Johnston Embroidery from Sublime Stitching

Jenny Hart recently unveiled new embroidery patterns over at Sublime Stitching, including a great collection of designs by artist/musician Daniel Johnston!


I’ve been a Daniel Johnston fan for a while now, but I’ve especially had him on my mind recently because I finally saw the documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston a month or so ago. It was sad, but neat to see different aspects of his genius in footage from his earlier years.

I’m also a big fan of Jenny Hart, of course—I took an embroidery workshop with her a couple of years ago, and she was a great teacher and a huge inspiration to me when I was first thinking about publishing patterns. I love that she does so much collaboration with interesting artists and musicians.

2 thoughts on “Daniel Johnston Embroidery from Sublime Stitching

  1. This is so super cool, I had no idea that he put this collection out! It’s a really interesting and unexpected combination (Johnston and embroidery), but once I saw it… it just fits…!

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