A Rare (non-)Bird

How would you like to find this funny fellow in your Easter basket this Sunday?


This ingenious platypus modification to the Which Came First pattern was dreamed up by Beforesunrise. She named her project “too abstruse,” after an Andrew Bird lyric, so this is one cool monotreme!


Check out Beforesunrise’s Ravelry project page for notes on her mods.

Happy Easter!

8 thoughts on “A Rare (non-)Bird

  1. That is SOOOOO cool! I brother loves anything platypus. May be because of Phineas and Ferb….anyway, that is really cute!

  2. This is darling! I’ve recently purchased this pattern and am working of my first one as I write this. I’m super excited and I love this little dark duckling. It gives me fun ideas!

  3. I said duckling…could it be a platypus? They’re brown and come from eggs too…Hmmm… :-)

  4. if too abstruse was in my easter basket i would be the happiest useless creature in the whooooole world! (and i would not fail to protect him… teehee)

  5. Oh…and Happy Bobmas! :)
    (if you have no idea what i’m talking about, check Ravelry!)

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