First Pattern for 2011?

Betcha can’t guess what I’m working on for 2011!


I’m at that stage in the design process when I’m daring to hope that it will turn out just how I want, but at the back of my mind I’m fearing that I may need to rethink it entirely…

Either way, I’m looking forward to finding out what the new year will bring.

33 thoughts on “First Pattern for 2011?

  1. That looks great so far! Hopefully it will bring smiles when you’re finished with it~ Good luck with the pattern! :D


  2. Ooh balloons are a great guess! Not even close, but now that you mention it, I’m going to have balloons on my mind for a while…

  3. Fish…or toy tops….or or rain drops….funky earrings….oh how about a nose…that would be fun to do I’m not sure why but it sounds fun…but I digress….oh how about a weeble wobble…I know its a Prius…lol

  4. Lynn, you’re right! I’ll wait to reveal the final thing (assuming it comes out OK), but it’s definitely avian.

  5. Ding ding ding! Wow, Tammy got it exactly right! I’m now knitting them up in colors that say “love birds” more than balloons. Will post the finished project next month!

  6. Awww!!! They are so cute! I’m excited to see the finished object! As always, AMAZING work Anna!!!

  7. If you have read Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, you would think they were vermicious k’nids. There just is not a huge purple behind! What yarn in what colors did you use for the tiny rats that were in the show?

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