Back Page Download from Adventures in Mochimochi Land

A little update about the back page contest we’ve got going—it occurred to me that even though Adventures in Mochimochi Land is available from lots of places online plus (I hope!) many libraries, it’s possible that some people might have trouble getting their hands on a copy of the book in time to enter the contest. I want everyone everywhere to be able to participate, so I’ve uploaded a printable version of the back page—just click that highlighted text (or the image below) to download.


As for patterns, you are welcome to use the free bonus patterns from the book that I’ve shared here on the blog: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Tiny Nosey Fish, Sand Pennies, and Carnie Zebra. You can combine these with other free patterns here on the blog (find a list of them in the sidebar) to make all kinds of scenes against the backdrop!

The deadline for entries is August 31st—see full contest details.