Bob the Checkers Champ

I got the cutest email yesterday. It was from a woman named Rebecca, who had a most amusing story to share about how she came to knit a Bob for her daughter:

So here is the background to this story…. at the beginning of this week we picked up at a thrift store for a quarter a magnetic checker board for the car. All week my younger daughter (she is 7 1/2) has been in the car playing checkers with herself (when her older sister doesn’t want to play) and an imaginary friend named “Bob”. Bob is new to the family and apparentley Bob is only around when the checkers are out. It has been really cute and funny… so fast forwarding…. last night I found your blog and your pattern for BOB!!! So I stayed up late and knitted a Bob for her. Needless to say she is beside herself with joy! Bob and her have been busy playing checkers in the backyard all afternoon. :)

Rebecca also took some very cute and funny photos of her daughter Emi and Bob playing checkers:

Bob getting his game on.

Bob and Emi playing checkers together.

Bob can be a bit of a sore winner.

But Bob and Emi are still good friends.

You can see the entire hilarious play-by-play of Emi and Bob’s checkers game at the Mochimochi Friends Flicker group. Thank you so much, Rebecca, for sharing your darling story and photos!!!

8 thoughts on “Bob the Checkers Champ

  1. What a sweet story! Thanks for sharing it, and thanks to Emi for having such a wonderful sense of humour and to Bob for being himself! samm

  2. Thank you everyone! I had so much fun knitting up Bob for Emi, and Emi is having so much fun playing with Bob. :)


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