Author: Anna

Arise, Creepy Kittens!


The time has come to knit something spooky. Something ookie. Something cozy and squozy and vaguely feline. Spooky Ookie Cats are (vampire) bite sized, intermediate-level projects designed to satisfy all your October cravings for snuggles and weirdness.

Knit a Guitar Case Cat ⚰️, Ghostie Cat 👻, Jack-o-Cat 🎃, and Itchy Witchy Hat Cat 🎩 in a just few hours each with this collection. Dust off your spookiest yarn scraps for these projects! The PDF download is now available from the Mochimochi Shop and Ravelry.

Thank you to Marilyn Passmore for her tech editing, and to Linda, Rebecca, and Amanda for test knitting!

Virtual Trunk Show with Cheers To Ewe

Update: Despite some technical difficulties caused by rain, we had a fun chat! And here’s the info for the Virtual Trunk Show:

Through Sunday (9/27), take 20% off all kits here on with the code CHEERSTOEWE20. If you order 2 or more kits, I’ll include a 3″ gnome sticker, either clothed or gnaked! (You can specify in your order notes which one you’d like.)

Lovely Ladianne of the Charlotte, NC yarn store Cheers To Ewe has invited me onto their YouTube show this Friday (that’s tomorrow!) for a Charlotte Area Yarn Crawl Special.

In addition to the conversation about patterns and animations (and perhaps a sneak peek of new stuff), we’ll be having a VIRTUAL TRUNK SHOW, so if you tune in you can find out how to get a nice little discount on my kits and have your money go to this awesome local yarn store too!

Subscribe to the Cheers To Ewe YouTube channel and you won’t miss it!

Sophie and Chanel at Home

Sophie and Chanel have been staying home during the pandemic. Would you like to see what they’ve been up to for six months?


They spent about a month staring at each other. Or maybe it was two months. Hard to remember.


Then they made a game of rearranging the furniture.


Sunday evenings are for cuddles.


At one point, it really didn’t feel safe unless everyone was wearing a mask. Makes it a little hard to see what’s on TV though.


This is what they do when they get tired of staring at each other.


There have been some dark days, and a whole lot of screen time, but they’re happy that they at least have each other.

Stay safe, everyone!

Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest BONUS Awards

We had so many terrific entries in the 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest, I have some BONUS awards to give out in addition to our top three winners.

Each of these creators will receive a $15 gift card to the Mochimochi Shop!

Click on the title or image to be taken to the full video or photo series on social media.

BEST KNITTING THEME: Little Helpers by Bonnie

BEST BIRDS IN FLIGHT: The Great Escape by Tammy G

BEST NEWS GRAPHICS: Breaking News by Lora

BEST ALIEN: What If? by Ursula B

BEST SOUND: An Axe-ccident Waiting to Happen by Hueymcr

BEST NUDITY: If you go down in the woods today by LundeLinda

Congratulations to these creative thinkers! I could have given out so many more awards, but we just had to stop somewhere. Thanks again to everybody who took part in our contest this summer. Keep sharing your creations on social media using the hashtag #mochimochiland!

Winners of the 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest

The day has come! Our Special Guest Judges have thoughtfully reviewed your submissions for the 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest, and we have winners to announce!

But first, let me say again just how grateful we are for all the creativity, humor, and artistry that you have shared with us this summer. It really helped us make it through these hard months! We hope that making little movies and photo series were a welcome distraction for you all as well.

Here we go: Our winners of the 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest: Escape to Mochimochi Land….

In the PHOTO SERIES category: The Story of the Mochimochickens by Kat B!

The more you look at this story, the more wonderful details appear! Great storytelling.

Judge’s comment: I laughed out loud at this. Which is difficult considering I had my funny bone removed after a bike accident. What a wonderful little story. When the lizard (dinosaur?) arrived, I was sold. The world they built was so fun and worthy of multiple viewings.

Congratulations, Kat!
Kat will receive a $100 gift card to Gather Here, the local yarn store in Cambridge, MA, a $50 gift card to Mochimochi Land, a copy of SpillyJane’s ebook SpillyJane Knits Mittens, a copy of Bites of Terror by Cuddles and Rage, and a goodie box with fun stuff from Knitty City and Mochimochi Land!

In the SHORT VIDEO category: The Kentucky Demolition Derby by Karen G!

The story is dramatic and funny, and the audio and editing is brilliant!

Judge’s comment: This video is amazing. It’s part Loony Tunes, part Seabiscuit, all perfection. My only problem with it is I put all my money on Sandman and lost everything. My secret favorite part is Uncle Sam in the stands.

Congratulations, Karen!
Karen will receive a $100 gift card to Yarnify!, the local yarn store in Chicago, a $50 gift card to Mochimochi Land, a copy of SpillyJane’s ebook SpillyJane Knits Mittens, a copy of Bites of Terror by Cuddles and Rage, and a goodie box with fun stuff from Knitty City and Mochimochi Land!

In the SUPER SHORT VIDEO category: A Shocking Escape by Juleen A!

The handmade effects are simply genius. I could watch it on a loop all day long!

Judge’s comment: I mean…are you kidding me? They packed an entire action movie into 20 seconds. Oh, you THINK this is a story about a gnome and a cloud. But you’d be wrong. This is about a kite earning freedom. The kite’s face when it flies away is…(chef’s kiss).

Congratulations, Juleen!
Juleen will receive a $100 gift card to Knitty City, the local yarn store in NYC, a $50 gift card to Mochimochi Land, a copy of SpillyJane’s ebook SpillyJane Knits Mittens, a copy of Bites of Terror by Cuddles and Rage, and a goodie box with fun stuff from Knitty City and Mochimochi Land!

These three truly had some stiff competition among all the entries. I’ll be sharing some bonus awards next week for more submissions that were especially delightful.

Introducing our Special Guest Judges

It’s my pleasure to introduce our Special Guest Judges for the 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest!

First we have Angela Tong, a talented designer and teacher of knitwear and woven projects, as well as a gifted ceramicist, baker, and all-around impressive person. Angela and I go way back to the early 2000s, when we both knitted in NYC. She is constantly knocking my socks off with her Instagram-perfect life.

Next is Rick Hamann, an Executive Creative Director at Leo Burnett. Basically a Don Draper for our time (in the professional sense, that is—he is quite the family man), Rick knows all about what makes an impression.

And finally is Bonney Teti, co-host of of the Pop Mom podcast and curator of the undisputed World’s Biggest Yarn Stash. She’s also my mother-in-law! Without Bonney, I can confidently say, there would be no Mochimochi Land.

Determining winners is always hard, but I think we’ll have some very judicious results with the help of these three. Thank you, Special Guest Judges!

And A big thank you, again, to everyone who participated in the #mochiphotocontest20 this summer! We received 50 entries, and each of them was a delight to experience. We really needed to be transported to Mochimochi Land, and you all certainly did that.

I will be consulting with the judges this week, and we’ll have some winners to announce soon. Stay tuned!