Author: Anna

Interview: Angela Tong


Angela Tong and I go way back—she’s actually one of the very first people who tested a Mochimochi Land pattern! That was when we both lived in New York (she’s now in New Jersey and I’m in Chicago), and also before her career as a teacher and designer of elegant, attractive knitwear and accessories took off.

Like SpillyJane, Bonney Teti, and Knit Picks, Angela is a sponsor of the 10th Anniversary Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest—winners will receive PDF packages of her designs. I hope if you’re reading this, you’re working on an entry! Read Angela’s interview and then get back to work!

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Interview: Bonney Teti and her World’s Biggest Yarn Stash

Oh look—the deadline for entries in the 10th Annual Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest is one month away!

Among lots of other fabulous prizes, we’ve got a boatload of unusual books and kits from the World’s Biggest Yarn Stash for the winners. I thought it was about time to delve deeper into this stash, so let’s take a look inside!

A video interview was a new thing for me, so please forgive any awkwardness! I think the interview works well as a podcast, actually, but Bonney does show us around the stash, which contains way more than just yarn.

After we finished the interview, Bonney sent over some adorable photos of cats that she asked me to share.


These rescue cats are enjoying a cozy bed that Bonney made from her stash yarn. She’s definitely using the power of the stash for good, and not evil.

If you missed it, please check out my (written) interview with another of this year’s sponsors, designer SpillyJane! I also have an interview with Angela Tong coming up, so stay tuned for that too!

Interview: SpillyJane

Happy hand warmers by SpillyJane: Little Ghost, Golden Light Mittens, OctoMitts, Gargoyle Mittens

spillyjane1One of the most intriguing presences in the knitting world, SpillyJane is somebody I noticed right away when her striking colorwork appeared on Ravelry. If you’re like me, you can’t get the Canadian designer’s mittens, socks, and other projects out of your mind, because all of her designs are lovely and memorable in different ways—for a knitter who works in repetitious colors, she sure doesn’t come across as repetitive! In addition to her eye-catching designs, SpillyJane comes with a personality that never ceases to surprise me. Just follow her on Twitter to see what I mean.

SpillyJane is generous enough to be one of our sponsors of the 10th Annual Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest—winners will receive PDF pattern packages from her—and she was cool enough to answer a few questions about herself and her design work. I’m excited to get to know her more. I think we could all learn a thing or two from SpillyJane.

Continue reading “Interview: SpillyJane”

Sesame Street: I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon

If there’s anyone I would want to live on the moon with, it would be Ernie! (Lennon and Maisy should live with us too.)

I’m so excited to share this brand-new project that I worked on for Sesame Street—truly a dream come true. (Who knew that Sesame Street intersected with Mochimochi Land??) My enormous thanks to Maureen Boyle for her animation work on this.

If you like it, please share the video with your friends—especially the little ones!