
Bunny Drawer Pull

I was trying to do something with knitted bunny heads over the weekend, and feeling a little frustrated with it. At one point, in my exasperation, I sacrificed a bunny head to one of the drawer pulls on my desk. It popped right on!


The backs of the plastic eyes kind of get in the way, but if I replace those with yarn eyes, I bet it would make a pretty good pull. So maybe I’ll make more to gussy up my desk.

You Guessed It!

Those of you who guessed Groundhog Day on my last post are correct! That was too easy.

The pattern will be out very soon, but for now here’s another partial preview:


That’s one suspiciously sophisticated-looking mound of dirt, no?

If you’re eager to get ready for it, the pattern calls for:
– Worsted-weight wool yarn (such as Cascade 220) in two shades of brown, black, and green
– Set of 7-inch long size 6 US (4.0 mm) double-pointed needles
– Tapestry needle
– One set of safety eyes
– Crochet hook
– Stuffing

Check back later this week for the pattern!

Hinty Hinty!

A good friend of mine loves all holidays, but she especially loves a certain holiday that’s coming up soon. She requested a toy with a theme of this holiday about two years ago, and this year I finally got around to making her toy. I loved it so much that I also made a pattern for it. What is it?

Here’s a hint: The holiday does not begin with a V.

Here’s another hint:


The pattern is coming soon to the Mochimochi Shop!

Crayon Physics Deluxe

For everyone complaining about how they don’t have an iPhone to play the stacking cats game or an Xbox 360 to play Castle Crashers, John’s latest A.V. Club review is on Crayon Physics Deluxe, a delightful game that you can download for your PC.

You might recognize it from this YouTube video from 2007, before the game was fully developed.

(You can use a mouse to play the game instead of a magical pen on your computer, of course.)

I haven’t played it yet myself (I don’t have Windows on my Mac), but it looks like so much fun that I’ll have to try it soon. You can download Crayon Physics Deluxe for $20 here.

Castle Crashers

This is a fun multiplayer game that John and I have been playing lately.


Your partner will love the scatological humor and you will love the adorable deer. (Or vice versa.) You will both love fighting the bad guys together. I recommend it!

It’s a $15 download for the Xbox 360.

AnthroPoMorphCo Stitch Holders

I got a fun holiday surprise from Joan recently: a package of goodies with her AnthroPoMorphCo characters on them, including these cute “holly jollies” stitch markers!


I’ve been using them nonstop since I got them. Joan also sent stationery, buttons, and more, all adorned with her own clever character designs. I’m so impressed by her ingenuity!

Check out her Etsy shop to get some of your own anthropomorphic vegetables, drink condiments, and more.